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Dependencies on Timeline View for Jira

Understand how to view, filter and group dependencies on Timeline

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Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a month ago

1. Dependencies on Timeline View

To access the Timeline view, go to the “More” menu. By default, dependencies are hidden click on Settings to enable them. Once enabled, you'll see dependency lines connecting features and stories.

  • The number of dependencies is displayed on each bar.

  • A red circle indicates dependencies for features.

  • A purple circle shows the number of dependencies for stories under that feature.

2. Viewing Dependencies Details

  • To view a dependency, hover over the line and click on it.

  • You can also click on a bar to open the details and navigate to the Dependencies section.

  • To quickly filter dependencies related to a specific feature or story, right-click and select “Show Dependent Items”.

  • To explore additional dependencies, right-click on any displayed bar to view its linked dependencies.

3. Creating a Dependency

There are two ways to create a dependency:

3.1. Drag & Drop

  • Drag the bar from the corner and drop it onto the target feature or story.

  • Make sure the target circle turns green before dropping the line.

3.2. Right-Click Method

  • Right-click on the bar, select “Create Dependency”, and search for the feature or story from the dropdown.

4. Grouping and Dependencies

You can use the Group by feature to get better insights:

  • Group by Objectives → View dependencies related to your objectives.

    • Expand each objective to see its dependencies.

    • Use the dependencies filter to hide cards without dependencies.

  • Group by Teams → See dependencies for each team.

Group by Parent (Epic) → View dependencies for features linked to different Epics.

5. Filtering Dependencies

To focus on specific dependencies, use the filtering options:

Filter options Details

Understanding each option is essential, as they help quickly narrow down the areas that require your focus.

Filter Option



Displays dependencies that have an Open status category. A dependency's status can belong to one of the following categories:

  • To Do – Dependencies that have been identified but work has not started yet.

  • In Progress – Dependencies currently being addressed.

You can edit the dependency status from the Dependency Detail View to reflect its current progress.


  • Displays dependencies categorized under the Done status.

Feature (Jira)

  • When a Feature dependency is created in Jira, the dependency line will appear on the last card (Phoenix-mode).

  • If this option is unchecked, feature-to-feature or feature-to-story dependencies will not be displayed in Kendis.

Card with No Dependencies

  • If unchecked, cards without dependencies will be hidden.

  • Helps focus only on cards with dependencies, improving visibility for teams managing large backlogs.

All Dependencies (Feature)

  • Displays cards with feature-level dependencies.

  • If unchecked, Feature-to-Feature or Feature-to-Story dependencies will be hidden.

All Dependencies (Story)

  • Displays Story-to-Story dependency lines.

  • If unchecked, these lines will not appear.

Cross Team Dependencies

  • Displays cross-team dependencies, which occur between features and stories planned in different teams

  • If unchecked, cross-team dependencies will be hidden.

Same Team Dependencies

  • Displays inter-team dependencies (dependencies within the same team).

  • If unchecked, these dependencies will not appear.

Aligned Dependencies

  • Dependencies that are planned correctly and require no further mitigation actions beyond execution

Overdue Dependencies

  • Dependencies for which the Target Resolution Date or the Sprint in which they were supposed to be completed has already passed.

  • These require immediate attention to prevent delays in delivery.

Reverse Dependencies

  • Dependencies where the planned work is assigned to a future sprint, meaning it will not be completed in time.

  • These require urgent action to fix the planning, as they indicate a sequencing issue.

Important Reminder

If you apply a dependencies filter, it is stored in your local browser cache. This means that when you access the program board next time, you may not see all the cards. To reset the view, select all options to ensure you see the full timeline

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