Kendis supports SAML integration and below are the steps that you should follow to integrate Kendis with your SAML supported IDP (Identity Provider).
Kendis support both service initiated SSO and IDP initiated SSO.
Step 1: Add Kendis App in your IDP
Step 1.1)
b) Single logout URL (probably optional)
c) Entity-ID
Provide some unique Entity-ID
It can be any value, but make sure this value is the same in your SAML configuration and at Kendis.
Step 1.2 : SSO attribute Mapping in your IDP
login --> <map to your email>
firstName --> <User first name>
lastName --> <User last name>
Step 2: SAML Setting at Kendis
Login at Kendis and you need to have "Super Administrator" access to view the "Settings" icon at left green bar
Go to "SAML Settings" page and provide following details
2.1) Callback URL at Kendis: already in the non-editable format at Kendis.
2.2) Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL
Get from your IDP generated metadata value for this attribute
2.3) X.509 Certificate
Paste at Kendis, your X.509 Certificate
How to test and use SAML to Login
Once your SAML configuration is completed,
Make sure, you are logged out from Kendis and go to Kendis login page, e.g., <>
You should see now "Login with SAML" button visible under the login page.
Click on this button and it should redirect you to login screen from your organization.
After successful login, you should get redirected back to Kendis and should be logged in at Kendis.
IDP Initiated SSO
Kendis supports IDP initiated SSO and once you have configured Kendis app properly in your IDP, you can set the IDP initiated SSO URL at Kendis.
If you are facing any issues, please make sure you have configured SSO attribute Mapping in your IDP (explained in step 1.2)
In case, you have any questions, please contact live chat support or drop us message at