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Advanced Kanban Configuration for Azure DevOps
Advanced Kanban Configuration for Azure DevOps

Learn how to setup Kanban Board for different flows for Pre Planning, Business Prioritization and more.

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Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

Kanban boards are typically based on a "status" workflow, where columns correspond to specific statuses. However, this approach often falls short in addressing real-world scenarios that require a more detailed workflow without needing a separate "status" for every step.

Kendis Kanban boards stand out by offering a groundbreaking, multi-dimensional mapping system with a wide range of options

Main concepts

Columns and Sub-Columns in Swimlanes

  • Columns in swimlanes can have sub-columns for additional flexibility.

  • Mapping is optional for both columns and sub-columns.

Custom Mapping Options

  • You can choose to map the column as a whole or map only its sub-columns.

  • For example, a column can be mapped to an Area Path, while its sub-columns can be mapped to specific Statuses.

  • If a column is unmapped, cards must be manually dragged and dropped into it. These columns won’t automatically populate.

Behavior of Mapped Columns with Sub-Columns

  • If a column is mapped and has sub-columns, all cards that match the mapping criteria will automatically drop into the first sub-column.

  • Cards can then be manually moved to other sub-columns as needed.

Mapping Criteria

  • Each column can have two types of criteria for mapping.

  • The same type of criteria cannot be used for both a column and its sub-columns.

  • Example: If the column is mapped to a status, the sub-columns must use a different type of criteria (e.g., Area Path or Priority).

Pre Planning Kanban Example

A Pre-Planning Kanban board is designed with multiple columns to streamline the flow from Business Review to detailed refinement, all without the need to create a "Status" for every step. Instead, statuses are mapped only where they are critical, ensuring a clean and efficient workflow.

For example, when a feature reaches the Ready for Development stage, it is automatically moved to the corresponding column, while other steps remain flexible and adaptable within the board.

Key Benefits:

  • Simplifies complex workflows by avoiding unnecessary statuses.

  • Provides clarity on essential stages while keeping the board lightweight.

  • Offers a visual representation of the entire process from planning to refinement.

A Full View of the Board:

This view showcases all columns, sub-columns, and their mappings, providing a comprehensive understanding of the pre-planning process at a glance. It's a powerful tool for ensuring smooth collaboration and alignment before development begins.

Mapping Criteria for Pre-Planning Kanban

Two types of criteria are available for mapping Kanban columns and sub-columns:

  • Status

  • Kendis Board

Detailed Breakdown of Columns for this Kanban

Business Review:

  • The column is mapped to the Status: "Business Review."

  • All cards matching this status will automatically drop into the "To Do" sub-column.

  • From the To Do sub-column, cards can then be manually moved to other sub-columns as needed.

Example Board View of Business Review Step

In this example, the statuses of features remain unchanged when moved between sub-columns like "To Do" and "Ready" because both sub-columns are unmapped

Next, let's review the mapping of columns where we add features to the Kendis Board.

Ready for PI#18

In the Ready for PI column:

  • The column is mapped to the Kendis Board.

  • Sub-column "Ready" is mapped to status "In Planning"

  • Sub-column "In development" is mapped to 2 statuses "Active" and "Resolved"

  • When a card is dropped into the Ready sub-column under "Ready for PI#18", it will automatically:

    • Have its status updated to "In Planning."

    • Be added to the PI#18 Program Board in Kendis.

    • If the card is then moved to the Unplanned sub-column, the status will remain unchanged because Unplanned is an unmapped sub-column.

Once the board is configured, you can easily drag and drop cards across columns, use the search function to find specific items, or organize your view with the Group By options for better clarity and management.

Group by options

There are multiple Group By options available for the Kanban Board. These two Group By options come with special functionality:

  • Area Path

  • Iteration Path

When you drag a card from one Iteration Path group to another, the corresponding value is automatically updated in Azure DevOps.

For all other Group By options:

  • They are solely for visualization and tracking purposes.

  • Updates to fields such as Parent or custom Azure DevOps fields cannot be made directly from the Kanban board. You will need to edit these items directly in Azure DevOps.

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