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How to Use Search & Filters

Search and Filters data at Kendis Boards

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

Kendis provides options to search and filter board data. 

Text Search

Search box at the top of the board start showing the relevant results as soon as you start typing. Text is matched from following data

  • Item ID (Can be Jira ID or Kendis)

  • Item Summary (Title of the card)

Press Enter vs Click on the card

As you start typing the system will show you the relevant cards on the board, if you just press enter the text string that you wrote will be used as search parameter and all relevant results will be shown. 

e.g., if you start typing FEA-2 and then press enter, it will show you all the cards like FEA-2, FEA-21 and so on. As it just takes the FEA-2 as search string and matches the related card.

If you click on the card in the auto complete list to e.g., FEA-2 then you will only see FEA-2 on the board.

Advanced Filters

Kendis offers following filters, all of these filters are multi-select filters.

  • Feature Status (Parent Card)
    All the statuses of the parent cards are combined into single drop down. The statuses are shown under 3 categories, "To Do" , "In Progress", "Done".

  • Story Status (Child Card)
    In similar way statuses from all the projects are combined and shown under 3 categories, "To Do", "In Progress", "Done"

  • Sprint
    Sprints from the board are listed here. Only the sprint column headers are shown in the drop down. All the cards that match the selected sprints will be shown.

  • Team
    Teams that are on the board are listed in this filter.  All the cards that match the selected teams will be shown.

  • Card Type
    List of the "Additional Card Types" are shown under this feature

  • Planned/Unplanned
    Planned = If a feature is picked up a team, it's considered as planned. If a feature card is on the main board area at some team and sprint, it will be marked as planned.
    Unplanned = Features which are only in the left panel backlog and none of the teams have picked this feature yet.

  • Flagged
    This field links to the Jira Flag field, in case your board is linked to Jira. Flag field also works for local Kendis items using Kendis only flag field.
    Flag field can be enabled at Kendis board under "board settings"

    Kendis Filters List

How the results are shown

Based on the filter criteria, Kendis will filter the cards on the board and hide all other results.

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