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Create and Track Dependencies

How to create, manage and track dependencies

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

Kendis offers easy way to create and track dependencies.

What is Dependency in Kendis?

Dependency is a way to show that a card can't be completed unless the other card is completed. Kendis dependency has following attributes

  • Dependency Line:
    In Kendis Dependency line has direction
    From: The card from where the dependency is originated, meaning, this card requires the other card to be completed first
    To: This is the actual dependent item, unless this card is resolved the "From" card can't be completed.

  • Description:
    This is where you can described what is actual dependency and what needs to be done in order to resolve this. 

  • Status:
    Dependency has 2 statuses, "Open" and "Resolved"
    By default when a dependency is created it's in "Open" status and the color of the line is red. Once dependency status is resolved, it turns green.

  • Teams:
    Teams where dependent cards are planned. Kendis allow to create dependency between cards that are in same team as well.

  • Sprint:
    Sprints where dependent cards are planned. Kendis allow to create dependency between cards that are in same sprint as well.

How to Create Dependency

There are 2 ways to create dependencies

  • Using Drag n Drop
    Drag the red dot from top right corner of the card and drop it to the target card. Description of the dependency and status can be selected from the modal view. 

  • Using Search
    When the board size is large it becomes difficult to drag and drop the line across the board. Kendis offers easier solution to search any item and create dependency.
    Click on the "Red" dot at the top right corner of the card and it opens up the dialogue, click on the "Add Dependencies" button and it will show the list of the cards at the board organized by teams and sprints. Simply mark the checkbox and a dependency will be created between 2 cards. You can also select multiple cards.

See how it works

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