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How to Create PI Planning Board for AzureDevOps and TFS
How to Create PI Planning Board for AzureDevOps and TFS
Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

Kendis provides capabilities to create PI Planning and Tracking board integrated to AzureDevOps and it has 2-way sync, so any changes made in Kendis are visible in AzureDevOps instantly and vice versa.

Step by Step Guide to Create Program Board

To create your board, follow these steps

1) Create Board

Follow these steps to create board and it will also ask to create the Connection to AzureDevOps

Select Board Type

  • Click on the create board at the main landing page

  • Select your scaling model

  • Provide Title of your board

  • Select PI Dates and Duration (It's an optional field, you can edit later as well)

  • Select "AzureDevOps (TFS, 2018 2019) as board type

Create Connection to AzureDevOps (Referred as ALM Connection in Kendis)

  • Type the label (It can be just any name, like AzureConnection-abc)

  • URL of your AzurdevOps or your TFS server. We currently support TFS 2019 and TFS 2018 versions only.

  • Personal Access Token:
    Create personal access token (PAT) from your account.  In case, not sure how to create token, please follow this link

  • Token Access Rights: Kendis requires following permissions to be selected at minimum to be able to work properly.
    - Work Items (Read, write, & manage)
    - Project and Team (Read, write, & manage)
    - Token Administration (Read & manage)

  • Test Connection and if all OK, SAVE it


  • Create Teams, select their name, prefix and color


  • Create Sprints, set their dates and prefix
    (Tip: If you set the dates for the first sprint, Kendis will automatically pick the dates of your next sprint for same duration)

Preview Board and Save

2) Load Projects

Your board is now created and next step is to load projects into Kendis. Kendis doesn't load at this stage all the items into Kendis, it's more like metadata of the project, item types, statuses etc. 

3) Get Features

To get features, click on the blue button on the left hand side of the board, or go to Edit Board Settings and select "Contents from AzureDevOps" tab

You can use your query (referred as filter in the UI) or WiQL here

4) Map Teams and Sprints

Teams that you created in the first step can now be linked to your relevant projects and team area

  • Go to edit board settings

  • Click on the "Teams" tab

  • Click on the "Not Synced" link at the settings

  • Select your project

  • Select your team

  • Select the "default" area path. If you have multiple, this default will be used at drag and drop action. However, you can edit individual item at Kendis and change the area path as well.

  • Select item type as "Story"

  • Now map the team sprints

  • and Save this setting

You can repeat this step to sync all of your teams.

These are the main steps to configure your board that is synced to AzureDevOps or TFS.
Next step is to start using your board with teams for your planning.

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