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How to apply Indexes for Kendis Database

Temporary objects and apply index options and system admin area in Kendis

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

Database server performance is most important to make sure your Kendis self-hosted instance is performing well.

You need to make sure you are hosting the Kendis database "Externally". You have a dedicated server for your MongoDB rather than using the default embedded MongoDB that comes with the Kendis installation package. Please check more details in this help article.

You may need to check time to time your system admin area for the following 2 points

  • Temporary Objects

  • Indexes

  • Temporary Objects

Database Indexes

Click on this button to apply Indexes on your Mongo database. This will help improve the performance, so it is recommended to do it. Once you apply the application might be a little bit slower for a couple of minutes.

Temporary Objects

This is the queue size for the pending webhook requests that Kendis has received from Jira or Azure DevOps. If you see this number staying constant and high then it's better to clear the temporary objects. It will improve webhook processing at Kendis.

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