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What is "Resync Board" operation?

Understand, how Resync board works and how it updates the features and stories.

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over 4 years ago

Resync board is a powerful operation and needs to be used carefully.
Following are the situations when the Resync Board should be used

  • If items at the Kendis board are out of sync with Jira

  • If Jira workflow statuses are changed.

There is also the option to resync individual items, it is recommended to use the individual resync item option if you just see some updates needed to a particular card, e.g., not all stories under a specific feature are visible at Kendis.

Pre Steps

It's best practice to take a backup of your dependencies and objectives

  • To take a backup of dependencies, click on the "More" at the board and select "Dependencies"

  • At the top right corner, you would see a download icon

  • Export the dependencies in Excel or CSV format

  • Repeat the same steps for the Objectives

  • Additionally, there is an "Export Board" option available at the "Settings" button. You can take the whole board export as CSV or Excel if want to.

Resync Operation Report

Once you start the "Resync" operation, Kendis will analyze and compare the stories linked to the features with the information that is in Jira. A comparison report, with the details of what stories will be added or removed after the resync operation, will be completed is available for download in Excel format. Once you press the "Proceed to Resync" button then the operation will start and will run in the background even if you close the dialogue, so it's recommended not to do anything else and wait for this operation to get completed. If your board size is very large it may take a couple of minutes.

User Selection Screen

When the user adds a filter to the board, Kendis will log that entry and at the time of resync, the user is pre-filled in the dropdown. You do have an option to change this user, but it's is recommended not to do it, unless there is a very strong reason, e.g., the user in the drop-down doesn't have the valid Jira rights or no longer a valid user.

Items by <username>: Kendis will show this option for all the features that were created in Kendis and will user your ALM user to resync these features from Jira.

Reason for all this

Resync operation is a crucial operation and it updates all the contents from Jira and while making these changes, Kendis uses the JIRA REST API calls and needs to provide the "Jira User" and then all the data from Jira will be fetched using the rights of this user. So in case you make a wrong selection e.g., the user doesn't have the rights to Jira projects then the resync operation will not complete successfully and you may not see any changes on the board after the resync.

What happens in the Resync

Note: After the Nov-2020 release, this functionality has changed.

Kendis will resync all the items from Jira to Kendis. Main impacts are

  • All the features/epics that are currently on the board will be resynced from Jira and the current values from Jira will be picked up and updated at Kendis

  • All item's status, story points, title, and sprints are adjusted based on the latest information from Jira.

  • All the children items of the features, e.g., user stories will also be updated from Jira

  • Changes in the features including stories added or removed will be updated as well.

  • If there were some stories previously linked with the feature and in Jira, they are no more linked to the feature then during resync, those stories will be removed from the Kendis board.

  • If those stories were linked to dependencies, risks, or objectives, then it will not be visible anymore on the board, however, you can restore these links, if you get the stories back to the Kendis board manually, or link them to feature again and resync the relevant features.ย 

How to do Resync Board

  • Click on the "Settings" button at the board (top right corner)

  • Select the option "Resync Board"

  • Accept the confirmation dialogue and resync operation will start

  • Wait 1-3 minutes depending on the size of your board.

  • One resync is done, your board will refresh and you see the changes

Smaller Resync Operations

Resync board is a bulk operation, however, Kendis provides more granular control to resync individual features or even the sprints.
This is recommended if you are just facing minor differences between items at Kendis board and in Jira, e.g., not all the stories under feature is visible.

Resync a Feature

  • To resync an individual card, press on the resync icon next to the card ID field

Resync a Team Sprint

  • To resync, all the features belong to a particular sprint, click on the resync icon at the sprint. Kendis will look at the features that are in this particular cell and update them from Jira.ย 

Resync All Team Sprints

  • Mouse over the team name bar and click on the resync icon.

  • The operation will pick the features that are currently in the sprints of this team.

  • It will perform a group resync operation on all these features.

  • As a result of this operation if some stories are added, removed, or moved to other sprints, then it will be reflected once the operation is completed.

How to get the features that were added/removed from Filter/JQL

There is a separate action in the board settings for this, more details in this help article

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