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Manually Create Webhook in JIRA

Steps to explain how to create web hook in JIRA for Kendis

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over 4 months ago

When setting up an ALM Account and integrating Kendis with JIRA, the webhook is usually created automatically. However, if you don't have "System Admin" or "Super Admin" rights in JIRA, the webhook cannot be created, and you’ll need to follow the steps below to complete the setup.

Without the webhook, changes made in JIRA won’t appear automatically in Kendis, and you may need to frequently "Resync" your board.

Steps to create Webhook

1. Copy Webhook URL from Kendis ALM Account

  • In Kendis, go to the ALM Account section and copy the webhook URL. Note that "Super Admin" rights are required to access this URL: https://<yourinstance>
    (replace <yourinstance> with your Kendis instance URL).

2. Configure Webhook at Jira

  • Go to the Administration section in JIRA, then navigate to the "Webhooks" section. You can also go directly to the Webhooks page using this URL: (replace "yourdomain" with your JIRA instance URL).

2.1 Create Webhook

  • Click on "Create a Webhook."

    Enter a "Name" to identify the webhook, and paste the URL copied from Kendis into the URL section.

2.2: Select Events

You need to select three groups of events


Issue link












Screenshots from Jira webhook configuration

How to Optimize Webhook at Jira

Please check this article that explains how to optimize your webhook settings at Jira.

How to test the webhook?

To test the webhook, you can run a simple test.

  • Navigate to your Kendis board and click on the ID of any card. This will open the item in JIRA.

  • In JIRA, change the status of the card.

  • Return to Kendis, and after about 30 seconds, the card's status should update automatically. If the status doesn’t update, it indicates the webhook may not be configured correctly.

  • Ensure the events are properly selected and that the URL for the Kendis webhook in JIRA is accurate.

Why do you need Webhook?

A webhook is a mechanism that notifies Kendis of changes made in JIRA. For example, when a user updates the status of a user story in JIRA, the webhook allows Kendis to detect this change and automatically update the status in Kendis, keeping it in sync with JIRA.

Note: For changes made from Kendis to JIRA, API calls are used. So, even if the webhook is not configured, you can still make updates in JIRA from Kendis, such as creating new stories or updating a user story's status.

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