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Comparison Reports

Track Scope and other changes after your planning using comparison reports

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

Comparison reports provides valuable information in terms of tracking what has changed across different board states, e.g., after the PI planning and during PI execution, which stories have changed their sprints, what new features or stories have been added.
Kendis offers extensive list of

  • Comparison Criteria: List of attributes that you can use to compare the board states, e.g., items added, sprint changed, teams changed etc.

  • Filter Criteria: Once the report is generated based on the comparison criteria, you can further filter the data using other filters, e.g., "Status".

How to Create Comparison Report

Follow these steps to create comparison report

  • Click on the reports on the left green panel

  • Click on the "Create"

  • Type the name of the report

  • Select "Comparison Report"

  • Select the Board

  • Choose the Board States "Current" and "Previous"

  • Select the comparison criteria

  • Click on "Apply Filter"

  • And SAVE

How to Filter

Select the values that you want to filter from "Parent" and "Child" filters drop down. Parent means, e.g., Features at the board and Child refers to Stories.

Example Report

In this example report we want to find out all the stories that have changed Sprint OR status.

We will select in comparison Criteria

  • Sprint Changed

  • Status Changed

Once we "Apply Filter", we will see the result where each column is duplicated. column in "White" color is the "Current" state and other darker color columns are for "Previous Stat".

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