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Epic/Feature Detail View
Epic/Feature Detail View

How feature view works, what details are visible and what actions user can perform

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Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

A feature detail view provides a comprehensive overview of a selected feature. The view is accessible by a click on the context menu option and clicks on the "View Details"

Following details are shown in the respective sections on the view

  1. Basic details: including type, due date, teams, and if there are any additional fields configured

  2. Dependencies: Epic/Feature level dependencies and list of all the Jira dependencies related to this feature

  3. Objectives: Linked to the selected feature

  4. Risks: Linked to the selected feature

  5. Planned Stories: List of the stories of the selected feature that are currently planned on one of the sprints at Kendis Board

  6. Unplanned Stories: List of the stories that are linked to the feature but are not mapped to any of the sprints at Kendis board.

In the next sections, details about each section is explained in details

1. Basic Details

In the top row, you will see that there is a Epic/Feature ID and a Title along with its Status.

The second row shows the basic details about the feature view

  • Item Type: This is the type of the field, in this example, it's Jira Epic type

  • Card Type: Value selected at the Epic/Feature "Card Type" drop-down.

  • Due Date: The selected value of the "Due Date"

  • Teams: Will show the teams where the epic/feature card is currently placed, based on the stories or if the feature card without stories is placed there "empty card"

  • Sprints: Will show the sprints where the epic/feature card is currently placed, based on the stories or if the feature card without stories is placed there "empty card"

  • By Stories Estimates: % of completion shown based on the story points of the stories that are in the "Done" category for this feature.

  • By Stories Status: % of completion shown based on the status of the stories that are in the "Done" category for this epic/feature.

The third row is more dynamic, depending on the values you have selected under "Board Setting" -> Additional Fields -> Enabler Additional Fields

In this example following 5 fields are selected

Components, Fix Version, Labels, Priority Story Points

Note: If you don't have any "Additional fields" enabled then this row will not appear

2. Dependencies View

This section is divided into 2 parts "Epic/Feature Dependencies" and "Jira Dependencies"

3. Objectives

The Objectives section lists the names of the objectives with which your item is associated. Each objective’s Business Value, Actual Business Value, and achievement percentage is visible.

4. Risks

This section lists the names of the risks with which your item is associated. Each risk shows the team name, title of the risk, linked items, risk level, status, risk creation date, resolution date and the responsible individual for the risk.

5. Planned Stories

These are the stories that are placed on the board in a sprint column.

Stories count based on the categories and the completion percentages are shown in the top right corner.

6. Stories that are not on the Sprint

These are the stories that remain in the backlog under a feature and are not placed in any sprint column of the board.

Stories count based on the categories and the completion percentages are shown in the top right corner. The done stories might be the ones that are completed already in the previous sprints or PIs.

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