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What is Risk Register?

Risk register, what it is for, what we can do with it?

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a year ago

Kendis supports a Risk register for your risk management needs. Key points about the risk register at Kendis

Important Points

  • Able to create multiple risk registers

  • Each register can be linked to one or more boards at Kendis

  • Risks belong to an individual risk register

  • It is not yet possible to move risk from one risk register to another

  • Risk register has a status and if it's no longer needed, it can be closed

How to create a Risk Register

To create a new risk register, go to left navigation bar and click on the "Risk Register" option. There is green button "+ Create Risk Register" and it opens the following screen

Following are the list of fields that you need to fill to create a risk register

  • Prefix: To uniquely identify your risk register, you can create an alphanumeric key, e.g., RSK

  • Register Name: A descriptive name to identify your risk register

  • Status: This is status of the risk register

  • Workflow: You can edit the default Risk Workflow or create a new risk flow at settings. It's not possible to change the workflow once you create a risk register, so choose carefully.

  • Risk Matrix: Kendis has 2 default Risk Matrices, more details available at

Link Risk Register to a Board
Once risk register is created, you can link it to one or more boards. It's recommended to link one risk register to a single board.
To link you have 2 options

  • At the risk register, select the board from the drop-down list

  • Go to the board and select "Risks" from the "More" menu and then select the option to create a new risk register or link to an existing register

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