Kendis supports a Risk register for your risk management needs. Key points about the risk register at Kendis
Important Points
Able to create multiple risk registers
Each register can be linked to one or more boards at Kendis
Risks belong to an individual risk register
It is not yet possible to move risk from one risk register to another
Risk register has a status and if it's no longer needed, it can be closed
How to create a Risk Register
To create a new risk register, go to left navigation bar and click on the "Risk Register" option. There is green button "+ Create Risk Register" and it opens the following screen
Following are the list of fields that you need to fill to create a risk register
Prefix: To uniquely identify your risk register, you can create an alphanumeric key, e.g., RSK
Register Name: A descriptive name to identify your risk register
Status: This is status of the risk register
Workflow: You can edit the default Risk Workflow or create a new risk flow at settings. It's not possible to change the workflow once you create a risk register, so choose carefully.
Risk Matrix: Kendis has 2 default Risk Matrices, more details available at
Link Risk Register to a Board
Once risk register is created, you can link it to one or more boards. It's recommended to link one risk register to a single board.
To link you have 2 options
At the risk register, select the board from the drop-down list
Go to the board and select "Risks" from the "More" menu and then select the option to create a new risk register or link to an existing register