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Release Update: Dependency Wheel, Epic/Feature Detail View, Resync Updates, and SAML changes
Release Update: Dependency Wheel, Epic/Feature Detail View, Resync Updates, and SAML changes

Release notes for November 24, 2020 release.

Kendis Team avatar
Written by Kendis Team
Updated over a week ago

With this release update, there are valuable enhancements that will help in doing better planning and tracking of your PIs.

List of the New Features

  1. Dependency Wheel

  2. Epic/Feature Detail View

  3. Updates to the Objectives Calculations

  4. Resync changes (Jira Board only)

  5. Add Remove Feature (Jira Board only)

  6. Additional Jira Field & Filters (Jira Board only)

  7. Support for Area Path and Iteration Path (AzureDevOps Board)

  8. Planned Unplanned Filter for Stories

  9. Risk Restoration

  10. Changes in the SAML

  11. Other enhancements.

In the following sections, a detailed description of each of these new features and the relevant help articles are shared.

1. Dependency Wheel

The dependency wheel summarizes all the dependencies that you have created among teams on the Kendis board into one dynamic solution. This view is accessible in "Smart Reports" under the "Dependencies Dashboard" section

  • Mouseover on the sidebar of the circle on an individual team name will show the total number of inbound and outbound dependencies a team has.

  • The color of the line indicates what type of dependency it is, e.g,. From CRM team to DWH team there is an orange color bar, it shows that dependency is from DWH to CRM

  • When clicking on the individual bar between 2 teams, you can view the detailed list of the dependencies

More details about the dependency wheel are available in this help article.

2. Epic/Feature Detail View

The user will be able to view the details of a feature that shows its dependencies, objectives, risks, planned, and unplanned stories.

Menu Icon on Feature and User Story.

More details about the Epic/Feature detail view are available in this help article

3. Objectives Updates

It is important to change to note that, objectives calculation has some updates. Check this help article with the details.

Following are the changes

  • Headings for the calculation of the objective has changed

  • There are 2 more options to view the calculation of the objective

  • Ability to change the objectives type from committed to uncommitted and vice versa by dragging and dropping.

  • Now the user can drag and drop an objective between Normal and Stretch Objectives within an objective.

  • This option is available for both Jira and Azure Board.

  • If there are no uncommitted objectives, then they will not be displayed. Therefore, you will be unable to drag and drop any other objectives into them

  • Multi-tab drag and drop might affect the final positioning of objectives as the push is yet to be planned and implemented.

3.1 Objectives % Completion options

  1. Linked Items Status: Status of the items linked to the objective directly.

  2. Children of Linked Items (Stories) - Status: Calculate % completion by the stories status that are children of the features linked to the objective.

  3. Children of Linked Items (Stories) - Estimate: Calculate % completion by the stories estimate (story points) that are children of the features linked to the objective.

  4. Team Stories - Status: Only applicable to the "Team Objectives", it will calculate the % completion based on the stories that are assigned to this team. When this option is selected, the % completion for "custom objectives" will be calculated based on option 2.

  5. Team Stories - Estimate: Only applicable to the "Team Objectives", it will calculate the % completion based on the stories estimate that are assigned to this team. When this option is selected, the % completion for "custom objectives" will be calculated based on option 3.

4 . Resync Changes (For Jira Board)

There is a major change in the "Resync Board" operation which is available under "Board Setting"

  • Resync will not check the contents in the filter or JQL, it will update all the contents on the board so they are in sync with Jira. So essentially it will be updating the information about the features and stories and keeping in sync with Jira, e.g., if the status of an item is different at Kendis board from Jira, then it will be updated and reflects what's in Jira.

  • By default, you will see the user who added the filter is pre-selected in the drop-down. You can change the user in case the user is no longer in the project doesn't have the correct rights. It's important to note that only change the user in case needed and make sure the user has at least "read" rights on all the projects on the board

  • Resync for an individual filter or sprint will keep on working as-is

Resync Team Option

It is now possible to resync all the features that are assigned to the team. It will work like this

  • Mouse over the team name and the "Resync" icon will appear at the bottom of the team name.

  • Click on the Resync team icon will initiate the resync process

  • Resync will check all the features that are currently in the sprints for this selected team and will fetch the latest status and their stories from Jira.

Previously resync operation will add/remove features on the board if the filter/JQL has changed. Now this operation will not remove or add any features, however, if the stories are no longer linked with the features they will be removed.

5 . Add/Remove Features (For Jira Boards)

This new option makes it easier to add or remove features on the board without having the need to resync the whole board. It will be a faster operation.

Main Points

  • Compare the contents on the board with the filters/JQL in Jira and show the features list.

  • Users can select which features to add to the board or select which features to remove from the board.

  • Change the Jira user to perform this action

  • Users can perform this action for the whole board or for a specific filter.

  • Users will be able to select a Jira user to perform this, earlier it was using an ALM user for this operation. (Only those users will be shown in the list that has mapped their profile user for that ALM account)

  • User can grant/revoke access to this operation via Role, there is a separate right for this action under "Roles"

6. Additional Fields (For Jira Board)

With this release, there are now options available for Jira integration to select additional fields for features and stories. You can

  • Select up to 5 additional fields for the features and stories from Jira

  • Filter the board contents based on these selected fields

  • Additional fields will be visible while creating or editing Parent and child items.

  • Additional fields can be enabled/disabled from the Additional Field Section of Jira board settings.

  • Changes will be synced via Webhook for both Parent and child items.

The selected fields will be available at the board under More Filters

7. Support for Area Path and Iteration Path (AzureDevOps Board)

In Kendis a feature can be in multiple teams and sprints thus it's not possible for Kendis to set the feature Iteration or Area Path values. However, we have received numerous requests from the customers for the ability to filter the features based on the Iteration and Area Path.

With this release update

  • Area Path and Iteration Path are visible at Feature Edit View

  • It is possible to filter the features based on the Area Path and Iteration Path

  • These filters are available under "More Filters" at Kendis Boards.

  • The value of the area path and iteration path will also be available in the Board export option.


If the area path and iteration values are empty then you must "Resync Project" from the Board Settings (It's not the board resync). Check more details in this article.

8. Planned/Unplanned Stories Filter

With this new filter, it's now easier to filter the board for the planned and unplanned stories

  • Planned Stories: Filter all the stories that are currently planned in one of the sprints that are mapped on the board

  • Unplanned Stories: Filter all the stories that are only visible on the left backlog under features, meaning they are not mapped to any of the sprints on the Kendis board.

9. Risk Restoration

In case you remove the features from the board or some other actions happen then the risk is no longer linked to the board items. However, Kendis is keeping track of these changes and if the feature is no longer available on the Kendis board, you will see feature ID with the cross line and in red color. Once the feature is back at the board, Kendis will restore this link automatically.

10. Changes in SAML

If SAML is configured then the default option to log in will be to "Login with Corporate Account".

Additionally, now there is an option available to set the "Default group" for all the new users who join their Kendis organization through SAML. This option is available at the Kendis SAML setup screen. Please note that SAML support is only allowed to be used with the Premium Cloud option. Contact us at if you are not clear about this option.

11. Other Changes

11.1 Export at AzureDevOps Board

It is now possible to export dependencies, risks, and objectives from the Kendis board connected to the AzureDevOps board. The options are available at the list view of the dependencies, objectives, and risks under analytics.

11.2 Export Graphs

Kendis now offers multiple options to export the graphs under Analytics and Smart Reports.

Graphs can be exported into

  • PNG format

  • JPG Format

  • PDF format

11.3 Changes in Audit Log

More options are now included. Earlier we were showing only Resync operations in the Audit Log.

11.4 Option to Export Dependencies from Azure Board

This option was missing on the Azure board. Now the user will be able to export the dependencies from the Dependency Section.

11.5 Last login info

Admin can view the last login date of a user along with its signed up data from the User directory.

11.6 oAuth Updates

With this release, when you update oAuth ALM connection, it will not update the callback URL thus making sure, the existing profile ALM connections are not invalidated.

11.7 Risks Fixes

Following issues for the risks are fixed

  • If there was % in the external URL then the URL was not getting saved when you link it with the risks

  • Rich text including the bullet points was not getting saved when typed in the comments section of the risks

Kendis Enterprise Release (For self-hosted customers)

  • 20 Nov 2020: Main release update
    Self-hosted Kendis Build is updated with the following version
    Build Version: 3eb8e41ccc7671aa8143a31ad973f736981df861
    Direct download
    Linux installation

Minor Release Updates

  • 24 Nov 2020:
    Fix for the "Creator Field" showing up in the creation story screen.
    Self-hosted Kendis Build is updated with the following version
    Version: 202007-3.1.0-p
    Build Version: aee4f9aa5180689d0482e2ee8f31530502dab093

  • 26 Nov 2020:
    Enhancement: Default selection for the status at team mapping
    Version: 202007-3.1.0-p
    Build Version: 0e78fe752aac7df6923d692016bda6f7dc8b8636

  • 09 Dec 2020:
    Fixes: Improvements in the webhook processing for Jira integration
    Version: 202007-3.1.0-p
    Build Version: afed42bc6d87259b6f832a852d1ce871abfc4c52

  • 15 Dec 2020:
    Fixes: Warning fixes for Chrome browser version 86 & 87.
    Version: 202007-3.1.0-p
    Build Version: 3296114f27776ade8aff064d9252065b99221f1a

  • 21 Dec 2020:
    Fixes: Minor bug fixes for resync Proceed button not appearing in some cases.
    Version: 202007-3.1.0-p
    Build Version: 81db6a52d29a6e9fb584bd499f2f20dcb15e7a2c

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